All posts in Secondary

Our Spinner Knobs are specially designed for drivers with disabilities who have difficulty turning the steering wheel. The Spinner Knobs

SPIDER Network Systems
The Spider Network Our Spider Network System is a modular control network allowing drivers with disabilities to activate essential secondary

Our AUTone is a sound activated Signaller. By pressing and holding the scan button, the AUTone will play one to

AUT Secondary control
AUT Secondary Control Our AUT Secondary control is used to control up to 35 secondary functions through six

Digital Shifter
Our Digital Shifterallows a driver with limited hand or arm strength and range of motion to switch between

TapGear Our TapGear is an electronic Gear Shift Control application, utilizing the finest in electronic technology. The TapGear can be

SPIDER Network Systems – Touchscreen
The Spider Network Our Spider Touch is a new product that combines the original Spider Network Systems with the latest touch screen

Hand Brake Our HandBrake Controller device is an electrical power parking brake aid, that can be installed in any vehicle,

Remote Control
Remote Control Our vehicle access Remote Control offers up to 5 functions with universal RF remote control. Opens and closes

Five Buttons Round Signaller Six Button Signaller JoySpinner Three Functions Signaller Two Function Signaller Five Buttons Signaller